KONZERT: TULP (BlumenTiereIndie/Koeln) + BELCHSINGERSONGGRINDER (ExperimentalSongWriter/Arnheim) + (ad)VANCE(d) (Hoerbuchgeraeusche/Arnheim)
Struppig Tanzen präsentiert:
Einen ganz besonderen Abend! Haben wir es bisher eher gut krachen lassen, wagen wir ein Experiment: naemlich weniger Expermente, und mehr Lieder. Kommt, hoert und staunt – und lasst uns wissen, ob wir dran bleiben sollen! Auch dazu laesst sich struppig tanzen!!
„I’m Quinten Dierick, the only member of a onemanband, more a crazy noisy troubadour, Belchsingersonggrinder from Arnhem, the Netherlands.
I Make a lot of noise and songs and stuff in between with hands, feet and vocalcords. tenderly balancing between harmony and madness. The poetry is smashed gently. Don’t be confused by he name but it has nothing to do with grindcore or so, it’s allowing myself the freedom to explore the boundaries of songwriting. It’s no freeform-improv, however those elements are part of the process. All the pieces have a more or less strict form and structure, needed to carry the lyrics.
Experimental? In a way, like improv., a part of the process.It’s loud music!!! Songs with deranged melody, turning into sonic splatter.“
Kulturausbesserungswerk Leverkusen Opladen
Beginn: 20h | Eintritt: 5€